Lee B. Ravine holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Master of Science in Education.
She was employed by the New York City Board of Education where she taught students with special needs.
Lee is a member of the National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW), Mystery Writers of America (MWA), Florida Writers Association (FWA), and Women's National Book Association (WNBA).
Lee volunteers with the Faulk Center for Counseling in Boca Raton, Florida and is available as a speaker for organizations, conferences, workshops, and book clubs.
TOPIC A: "That Was Then-This is Now-What Really Makes Men and Women Tick"
TOPIC B: "Live a Happier Life-Change Negative Into Positive"
TOPIC C: "Our Role As Advocates For The Children In Our Lives"
TOPIC D: "The Porn Trap-How It Affects All Of Us"
TOPIC E: RIDING SOLO-Book Talk -Love, Lust, Disillusionment, Deceit, Survival
TOPIC F: Depression and Suicide Awareness - What We All Need To Know
TOPIC G: Violence Against Women - Sexism
TOPIC H: Exploring Gender Identity - 21st Century Firestorm
TOPIC I: Relationships in the Golden Years
TOPIC J: VILLA PARAISO - Bool Talk -Secrets,Lies, Revelations
TOPIC K: Baby Boomers in Retirement -The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
TOPIC L: Will Your Marriage Survive Retirement
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT : [email protected]